Monday, July 30, 2007

Drying up!

Finally it looks like riding is possible again. No rain tonight (Monday) and we are good to go again Tuesday. That means lessons start up again. Hoping to get a full week this week. Anyone remember how to ride??

Sunday, July 29, 2007

Rain Sunday

Saturday it was looking hopeful. The dressage arena good to go by the evening. And then.... bam, rain again. Overnight another 3/4" and Sunday morning it's been raining all morning. A layer of water on top of all the surfaces again today. sigh. Horses are staying in today again too. Bleech.

Thursday, July 26, 2007

Carriage ride

One of the highlights of the vacation was a tour/carriage ride thru the gaslight district of San Diego and the piers. Friend Kris gave an excellent tour! She was fun! Horse was fun! Prince Charming...

Ya outta try it if you are out that way!

Fly traps

See there's been a lot of fly traps hung. Good.
But you may consider... putting them out the outside of the stall.
They are designed to attract (and trap) flies - do you really want the flies to come into the barn? Over where your horse eats?
Think they'd be just as effective on the outside edge.


Been considering cedar shavings. When we can get a delivery of course, when it's dry enough. If it's ever dry enough. Think we can get in a semi load. Some of you won't like it - it's a little rougher. But the good points are it's available! and it is easier to clean the stalls. And it keeps the bugs out of the stalls. Whatya think?

Raining still

It's a lake today again. We are getting more rain. So don't plan on lessons for Thursday or Friday. Horses stayed in as well. ugh

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Catching up

No blogging for 2 weeks and everyone's complaining! Jeez.
Here you are!
It's raining, and raining, and raining! No turn out Wednesday, or Thursday.. or who knows if it will ever stop. Needless to say, no turn out either. It's muddy!
We said goodbye to Taz and Mae, they were good to have here for the time we had them. Hope it goes well in their new home, I know Ramey and family are delighted to have them at home with them finally.
Mary reports Prada is doing well. He went in for rebandaging and a check up and Dr. Dutton is happy with his progress.
That's all for now. Will post a fun vacation picture when the rest of the mess of leaving and returning is cleaned up.

Sunday, July 08, 2007

Sunday Rain

Just when you think it's over - there's more. This time north of San Antonio is getting a cluster of storms thru. That would be us. We've had another inch in the morning and the second storm has yet to hit us.
Arenas are under water again and the horses are staying in today.
Weather forecasters are saying this is the last day of it tho. Surely hope they are right!

Saturday, July 07, 2007


That's what Shannon says... Quack.
We had rain again Saturday morning. Got all tacked up ready to ride, then discovered the dressage arena really sloppy. Sigh. Another day of muck.
Horses are getting out tho, thinking it will dry up some today and they'll want to be out! Be prepared for muddy buddies.

Friday, July 06, 2007


We actually had a day with NO rain. If there is no rain falling today, we'll resume lessons on Saturday. About time, huh?

Thursday, July 05, 2007


Still raining everyone. Well, not at this moment, but did last night. No turn out today and no lessons again..

Wednesday, July 04, 2007


More rain today - Wednesday - so don't plan on lessons again. And since the rain yesterday, horses are staying in today again.
Aren't we tired of this yet??

Tuesday, July 03, 2007


Most everyone at the barn knows Mary's Prada - she hauls him in for lessons. And he's been doing great.. until he got himself caught in a cattle guard. Massive injury to his foreleg. Our hearts and prayers go out with them for a successful recovery. So far, his surgery has been helpful and it looks like thing are healing well. Be a long haul tho, lots of damage to repair.

And wet again

Coming back from Pine Hill to find it had rained more over the weekend. Monday the horses were kept in as the mud was too thick to do turn outs. Tuesday morning dawns and the big field and mares are going out... but the other fields still have standing water and are too muddy to use.
The arenas as of the morning are also too wet, with water standing still! Forecast this week for more rain makes riding almost impossible. Wouldn't count on lessons today as it looks like the sun won't shine to dry anything.

Pine Hill fun

The one day horse trial at Pine Hill was a fun time. For once, it wasn't hot! Very wet, rain and drizzle off and on, but it kept the temperatures down to a reasonable level. The ground there is so sandy with a bottom that riding in it isn't really a problem at all, so the show goes on. There was a bit more than an hour hold Sunday when the lightning kept going off, but they are so well organized there, they caught up with the show and times posted pretty quick.
Hannah and Pistol did well, placed after dressage. Had a stop at the first fence in stadium (lack of attention on Pistol's part!) and the rest was smooth sailing. Her cross country round was clean and FUN. They ended in 5th place.
Kate and Wally had the best dressage ride seen yet. Clear and confident in the stadium round and the cross country went absolutely great. Wally seemed to be really having fun after the first couple fences, seemed like he was looking for that next fence and ready to do anything! They ended up in 4th place.
What a great weekend!