Sunday, September 26, 2010

More rain still!

Saturday brought rain and thunderstorms throughout the night. Everything is wet again, muddy and nasty. Arenas have standing water on them, so no riding there... and horses are staying in today.
This weather is supposed to pass after today and this coming week looks really good. We'd all like the schedule to go back to normal!

Sunday, September 19, 2010


For those who like spaghetti... or just want to help out...
Naples Restaurant in Boerne is having a spaghetti dinner to help out with Paul Kliewer's medical bills from his horrid horse accident a few months ago.
Dinner is Sunday, Sept. 26 from 6 - 8 pm.
Should be fun, lots of horsey people there!
Join in.

Rainy days

For the past 2 afternoons, we have seen rain coming in - sometimes pretty wild too. So far, we haven't had so much rain that everything stays really wet. So the horses are going out, and the dressage arena is fine to ride in. That could change as it seems to get wetter and wetter every day. Be aware of the weather folks.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010


Say a prayer for Samson everyone. We had him put to sleep today... the infirmies of old age finally caught up with him and he was suffering badly the last couple of days. He's been on treatment for Cushings disease for several years now, blind in one eye, and foundered again. Just too much for him to be comfortable anymore. It's a bit sudden, wish we had more time to warn everyone, but just didn't seem fair to Samson to have him be in so much pain any longer.He was fun to have, we will miss him. Was a great driving pony for awhile. Travelled with Dr. Robbins in his younger days to school for career day. He's been a demo horse for many vet talks! And loved it all.Most fun too was playing with the kids. Everyone loved Samson.
Farewell friend...

Friday, September 10, 2010

Lesson horse

Most of you know, Tucker has hurt himself playing wild in the field. Prognosis is a year lay-up. So! The hunt for a new school horse began. We fell into finding this big gray Quarter Horse, Cedric (thank you Heidi!). He's easy going and working out great!

He's a bit bigger than Tucker, so harder for a small person to tack up. But he sure has the right temperment.

Thursday, September 09, 2010

Back out..

Finally stopped raining and drying out some. Tomorrow morning the horses will all go out as normal. Larson's field has some damage done to the run in shed, so there may be times those horses in that field will have to be in while the shed gets repairs. But mostly, back to normal tomorrow. The arenas will be okay to ride in by the afternoon too.

Tuesday, September 07, 2010

More rain

Raining buckets today, horses are staying in, nice and dry with lots of hay to munch on during the day...
Looks like rain maybe all week, so they may have to stay in for a few days now. We'll get 'em back out when it's dry enough to walk around without the slip and slide effect.

Pine Hill

Pine Hill was a great time. SaraBeth rode Buddy, Sarah rode Archie and Kate rode Nate. We also had the help of Taylor and Kim, they came along to just have a fun weekend. Also, we rope 'em into jump judging as it's always hard to get enough jump judges for cross-country.
The competitors all did super! They all rested on their dressage scores - which means no penalties at all for the 2 jumping phases. Well done! SaraBeth racing Buddy home for the finish line after cross country. Don't they look fit and ready for more!
Sarah and Archie taking the stadium course in great form! Picture perfect!

Kate's jumping well here too - the tongue helps alot.

Friday, September 03, 2010

Donna's new horse

Most of you know that Donna had to retire her old time good guy Santiago. Arthiritis in the knees and just plain old age had caught up with him. She did find a great retirement home for him, so that just worked out great.
We managed to find a new horse for Donna. Wynsome is a Hannovarian gelding that is really nicely trained and has a super nice temperment. It's a process to bring him back to work, he hadn't been ridden in years and is very unfit. But you know Donna, slow and easy is the way she likes to go anyway, so this looks to be a great pairing.


Finally! some rain! Last night saw about an inch of rain here. We're happy to have it, it will soak in pretty quick.
Horses are staying in today, it's muddy.

Thursday, September 02, 2010

Guess who??

This candid shot was taken recently. Do you know who it is??