Wednesday, December 29, 2010


Finally, got some real rain yesterday. Wednesday the horses are not getting turned out due to muddy conditions. And there will be no lessons, the arenas are muddy too!

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Oh, and....

One more thing... if you brought food on a plate or dish and left it here, the dishes have been put thru the dishwasher and cleaned. Returned to the clubhouse, please pick up your dish. They are stacked under the Christmas tree there.

Barn party fun

The barn party this year was a blast. Lots of laughs and good food and good times. It's good to see everyone all at once, and REALLY nice to see people we haven't seen in forever. Elf Deb was quite a hit...
And more laughs about something!

The bran mash is always a job... chopping all those carrots and apples is a group effort. But the rewards are great! As the horses look on in anticipation!

Thank you everyone for a terrific party!

Friday, December 17, 2010


Nancy Fair dressage clinics continue on a regular basis. They are well attended, and always fun. Although Nate didn't like to work quite that hard! Kudos for Kate for sticking with him! As always, if you'd like to get into one of these clinics, contact Shannon or Debra.

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Clubhouse phone

Hey everyone... Phone in the clubhouse is back to working. Remember, this is to call out to get picked up or emergencies. No personal gabbing with friends! If you have to dial an area code, it's a long distance charge, so please be quick.
And next time the phone isn't working.. let someone know earlier, huh?

Wednesday, December 08, 2010

Christmas Barn Party

Our annual Christmas Barn Party is scheduled for Sunday, Dec. 19, starts at 2:30. Everyone's invited... as always. All you "old" patrons would be fun to visit with! Come and see your old friends, people and horses!

Monday, December 06, 2010

December Pine Hill

SaraBeth the only one that travelled to Pine Hill this time. She was SO ready! Came home with a 2nd place ribbon and stood on her dressage score. She was nothing short of spectacular in the jumping phases! Looking great!