Saturday, April 23, 2011


We've had some new horses come in to the barn. These owners used to have horses here and have returned. Those of you around long ago (haha) will remember Cara. She's got a new horse for her and her family, Texan, a big appy with a nice mellow temperment.
And Lori has brought back Ransome - - he's still as handsome as ever.
It's fun to welcome back these great people!

Thursday, April 21, 2011

April LIberty Hill

We had several riders going to the Liberty Hill dressage schooling show. Jessica's new horse, Jazz, turned out to be an absolute star. At his first show, he remained quiet and rode just like he does at home. Super nice attitude. He scored well in his Intro tests and they came home with good ribbons and scores. Danielle rode her Tyberius well in her tests, scored pretty good considering she got lost! in one test.
Donna took Wynsome for his first time at a show... just to take him and see how he'd be. He was pretty wired up for the first, uhhhh, 4 hours. Started to settle after that. Kate came to ride and school him, and wouldn't ya know, he rode like a perfect gentleman. Guess he just needs to go to work!
Pam took Nacho to school also, trying to figure out how long it takes to warm him up and get his attention with her. Getting ready for those recognized shows coming up.
And Debra took Apollo. They are working thru some training issues, so some parts of the tests at 2nd level were really good, and some not so good. Nice to pinpoint what's going on and then go home and work them thru.
Decent weather and a great atmosphere, everyone came home feeling successful.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

thanks to all at the barn

The entire gang at the barn did a great fill in job during Diane's forced haitus. Penny, Shannon, Kate, Karen, Deb, David and many others took over and the barn ran smoothly despite some awful cold weather that required hauling water. Special thanks for those involved in that ridulously hard time. Fill in instructors Laura, Jane and Heather did a great job of keeping everyone going. In fact, we liked Heather so much, we asked her to stay on. She's been a great addition to the barn.
Thanks to all over and over.