Sunday, June 06, 2010

Nacho's first

One more Liberty Hill show - added on the end of the season cuz so many have been cancelled because of rain this year....
Pam took Nacho for his first show - and he was a superstar! A bit nervous, which he shows by not being able to walk and look at something at the same time. That's it. Pam was very good and patient with him and he just gained confidence the entire time.
The tests went really good! She came home with scores 60% and 2 first place ribbons!
What a pair!

Saturday, June 05, 2010

Cimmaron does great!

Those of you who know Heidi will cheer on her efforts with Cimmaron. This is her Freisan/ Saddlebred cross that she's brought to the barn a few times. They went to a "testing" to become a registered American Warmblood - and did terrific! Brought home positive results and a "preferred" statis.
Well done Heidi and Cimmaron!

Tuesday, June 01, 2010

Show at Col. Russell's

Saturday was the hunter/jumper show at Col. Russell's. We had quite a group from Kinswood going, since they have a huge variety of classes and run several arenas, it's possible to take all kinds of level of riders. Hannah came along to help out and keep everyone organized. Truthfully, WE were much more organized than the show committee!
Sarah and Archie rode a zillion classes and jumped around beautifully in all of them. The equitation class was a little different and fun, having to jump some different lines, trot some, halts, extended trots, hand gallops... fun stuff. Lots of ribbons there.
Samantha rode Wavish in her first show to some ribbons of all colors. Nice she remembered all her courses and did a nice job.
Kate and Nate did their first hunter/jumper show together. Takes a bit to get the hang of a new horse at a show, but she ended up with some great rounds.
Taylor rode Wally in her first show too. Had a belt load of ribbons, even some championship ones. Great job there.
Jessica and Heather rode Rey in some flat classes and jump classes. Both were really pleased with Rey's performance at the show... and their own!
SaraBeth rode Buddy in some hunter classes and jumper classes. They are getting pretty versatile and jumped around clean for it all.
Sarah T rode Wavish for some classes in the hunter ring. Jumped clean and pretty.

Sorry no pictures at this time... computer problems to work out. Will post them as it gets resolved.