Sunday, June 06, 2010

Nacho's first

One more Liberty Hill show - added on the end of the season cuz so many have been cancelled because of rain this year....
Pam took Nacho for his first show - and he was a superstar! A bit nervous, which he shows by not being able to walk and look at something at the same time. That's it. Pam was very good and patient with him and he just gained confidence the entire time.
The tests went really good! She came home with scores 60% and 2 first place ribbons!
What a pair!


Blogger Unknown said...

awww he sounds soooo adorable! I brought my friends by the barn a couple days ago...and had to show Nacho to them) and...he was quite pleasant!

11:05 PM  
Anonymous Amanda Jackson said...

That is so exciting! I hope to come by the barn some time soon and see him in action!

9:03 PM  

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