Summer at MeadowCreek Park is gonna be hot. And Friday during our preparations, it was HOT and miserable. But Saturday, the show day, was pleasant, temperatures not too awful and a nice breeze blowing all the time. Dressage started early, with Rosa going first as she had entered 2 horses in the same division.

Got thru the first test with Maximus without too much trouble. Looked fairly good!
Lauren next to go with a stellar!! ride on Wyland!
Rosa again on Apollo, who was tense and distracted throughout the whole test.
Victoria had some attention! Luke! issues in the trot work, but the canter looked terrific.
Kim put in a steady test on Hank.
Fun starts now... stadium jumping. The course was windy and twisty and you better ride your line!
Lauren was clean and within the time.
Rosa had a stop with Maximus at the first jump, but the rest went well. She cruised Apollo around without any problems.
Victoria got Luke around clean!
And Kim rode Hank to a clean round.
Cross country was RIGHT after stadium. Competitors just trotted immediately over to the start box and off they went. Nice open galloping spaces in this course, it can be fun!
Rosa riding Maximus over the chevrons jump.
Lauren and Wylie flew thru the course - she even had to slow down some as they were coming in too fast! This last jump was made to look like a train - fun stuff.
Victoria ripped it up on the cross country. Jumped around clean.

Kim rode Hank thru her first cross country and had a blast.
Final tally came out as Lauren and Wyland winning 2nd place at Novice level. Rosa rode Apollo to 6th place, Maximus to 7th also at Novice Level.
Victoria rode Luke to a 5th place finish at Goldilocks level - and it was her first event!
And another first timer, Kim rode Hank to a 4th place finish at Green as Grass division.
This was a fun crowd, the weather was okay and we all had a wonderful time!