Saturday, December 07, 2013

Nasty cold

Saturday morning is nasty cold. Temperatures are in the 20's with the wind blowing. Horses in the barn are surprisingly quiet... think they don't EVEN want to go out in that stuff. So they are staying in another day - out of the wind and snuggled down in their blankets.
A few cold weather hints for those of you unfamiliar with this kind of cold....
If you find the water faucets dripping - - - leave it! It's to keep the pipes from freezing.
Be sure you check your horses blanket fit. Can't believe how many blankets that have been destroyed by bad people not putting them on correctly and fitting them to the horse. This morning, there was no less than 6 horses with blankets in some sort of disarray.
And there is ice forming on top of the water cups today. You horse owners - or even the stall cleaners - would be kind of you if you broke open the ice to allow the horses to drink easily. Some horses will do it on their own, some not. They were all broken open this morning, but ice will reform during the day today as it will not get above freezing.


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