Monday, September 02, 2013

Fall shows start

Liberty Hill hosted the first of the fall shows we attended. Still feels like summer with those hot temperatures.
The show was small so we took the two "newbies" to school and see how they'd do in that atmosphere. Daphne was quiet and calm and Lauren did a great job of schooling her and riding her all over the place so she could see it all. Ran into no problems at all.

Watson also was quiet and calm and SaraBeth got on to school him everywhere. This one we thought we'd have to lunge first, but no... he just went to work! On to a "real" show next time.

Pam competed Nacho in 2 Second Level tests. Did an outstanding job of it and it just keeps getting better and better. Great scores and blue ribbons for them.


Anonymous Diana said...

glad to hear it was such a good show! :D

7:20 PM  

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