Coyote Springs school
Coyote Springs held a chance to school their stadium course and a little cross-country too. We had a good time and got alot accomplished. The horses and riders all came away much more confident than they started.Weather was a bit chilly in the morning, but turned nice and warm in the afternoon. Ashley brought BeBe for their first outing in the eventing world. They aced the stadium of course, but the cross-country a bit more challenging just because it was different. And they both excelled and had fun.
Elana warming up Indee in the picture, but went on to jump alot of stadium getting higher with each round. Didn't stop at anything. Cross country school went really well, until Elana tired at the end of the day and fell from Indee down the bank. We wish her a speedy and uneventful recovery as she broke her wrist and elbow in the fall. DARN, it was going so well before that too!
Samantha took Topper to school and did a great job. Stadium fences raised and got a bit different each time. Topper did alot of looky stuff but ended up jumping beautifully. We were more than pleased with the cross country school as well, he jumped the ditch for the first time without any problems.
I hope you get well soon Elana and congrats to everyone! :-)
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