Sunday, November 02, 2008

Col. Russell's show a hit!

The Kinswood gang at Col. Russell's H/J show Saturday did a great job! We had many students compete - and many compete for the first time. Everyone had the chance to jump around several courses and almost all came home with ribbons.

Hanna and Sunsest in great form for a jumper class.

Kate and Buddy on their way to winning the championship in the 2'6" jumper class.

The Diez's had the chance to jump some very nice rounds!

Wally took around Ashley for her first show and some great ribbons.

And Wally trucked Danielle around for her first jump show too! Again, ribbons were won.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh my Gosh! Look at the form these ladies have:) Good job. Looks like y'all had a blast! Diana

7:13 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It was a GREAT first show experience for my new horse!

Alex Smith

9:10 AM  

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