Saturday, September 20, 2008


It's with great sadness that we report the passing of Liberty. Many of the students at Kinswood got their first ride on this horse, he taught many a lesson. Tiffany and Jackie gave him a good life from the moment they bought him. Tiffany competed with him for many years, doing jumpers, dressage and eventing. When she retired him, he taught her mother, Jackie to ride. Since retiring as a lesson horse, he's spent the remainer of his days on their property, happily munching grass daily. He was 30 years old.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

well i never got to meet him, but i would have sure liked to. i love the picture of tiffany and liberty u picked, or maybe thats the only one. doubt it though. :)


12:12 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

He was a truely wonderful horse. I remeber when we went to try him. Diane was sooo hesitant about him for me. She thought at the time that his bull headed nature was going to be too much for a little 8 year old. Who da thought that 4 years later I would be holding on for dear life over a 5ft And Mary Gabriel with her 17.2hd mare always telling me how Liberty and all 15hds of him was her inspiration. "Surely if he can get around the Training and Prelim jumps then Diamond and I can make it." Oh and his awful games. Those who knew him know the games. If Liberty didn't want to be caught you didn't catch him, if he didn't like his feild he would jump out. Time never changed that. My last memories are of going to visit him two sundays ago. I took the long walk to the bottom of his pasture to say hi and what does the old fart do as I walk up. He arches his neck lets out a little snort and canters a few strides away. Never letting me get close enuogh to touch him but never the less brining laughter to my heart....Somethings never changed. I will alwys love you Liberty.

8:23 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Libs:) he was awesome/wild/ he ate ice cream...and hamburgers. yea. that would be him! we'll miss him, but it was time. love ya libs. d

2:41 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Tiffany and Jackie,
Who could forget taking a lesson and Diane saying who is out running around. Of course, it was Libs. He did not want to be in that area so he would just high tail it out of there, so to speak. No matter how high it was, he would jump it, solid or electric.
We will miss him. You both really took good care of him and he will always watch over you.

Deb P

4:56 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well i never go to see him but i heard he was great horse! I am so sorry about him!

7:59 PM  
Blogger Susan H. said...

Liberty was the best horse in the stables when we were in Boerne. He taught several folks, not just Tiffany and her mom, so much about the heart of a horse.

If he were on Wall Street, he'd be in an exclusive club, leaning back in their leather chairs, smoking a very expensive cigar, and enjoying the best brandy.

9:16 AM  

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