Sunday, June 29, 2008

Last June weekend

Lots going on the last weekend of June.

A few people went to the Marcos show, and did pretty well. Courtney took Wavish to a couple of combined tests and placed well in both beginner novice and novice divisions. JuanCarlos and Pablo took their horses to do GAG classes and some low jump classes. Did good for their first show too!

Richard Howard did the usual dressage clinic at Kinswood both Saturday and Sunday. With a full day both days, he did an excellent job of teaching. Everyone upped their level of riding and had a great time doing it! We look forward to him coming back in about 2 months.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

It was so much fun! I really got alot out of it. He really helped me and Pistol. I feel much more confedent about Pine Hill than I did two days ago! Glad to have been given the oppertunity. Thanks Diane! Hope to be able work with him again when he returns. Maybe I'll actually sleep the night of Pine Hill now. But lets not get crazy. It was still ALOT OF FUN!!!

7:30 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

lol it was a blast---- Honestly this was the first time I was off the 20 meter circle for longer than 3/4 of the lesson! ---Richard had fun, so did I:---Serendipity and Diana

6:57 AM  

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