Monday, October 15, 2007

Greta Clinic

The clinic given by Greta was a big success. It was full - everyone wanted to ride. Lots of first timers too - so it was a good opportunity to learn something new.

Cary Silvers took his first lesson on Wavish. Looking good!
Heidi brought her Tequila for his first clinic. Was really good at the end.

Jackie had Dante really round in the canter!!! Hurray! Hannah rode Juliet in her first clinic. Juliet was a good student, quiet and accepting the strange things going on.

All in all, everyone was happy with the results of this clinic. We look forward to the next time!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

why is kinswood so bad***!!!!!!! i love it:)

2:27 PM  
Blogger Cassie Bell said...

what do you mean by that?

2:51 PM  

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