Saturday, January 20, 2007


The farm here was under seige for several days as the ice accummulated on everything. The power to the farm was out for about 3 days, so if you were trying to call in, sorry, no answer! Horses were never in danger as the water was flowing anyway (altho it was a slow flow)and there was enough feed to go around generously.

Looks like winter, huh?
We are back in service now, all electric lines, lights, heater!! and phone working. Raining still, so there will still be no lessons. And looks like it will be wet til?? Friday?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

YIKES! Glad all is back to normal (not including mud).

1:04 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

OMG. friday? not next friday right?

2:27 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This picture looks like a postcard.
Donna Bakeman

6:30 PM  

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