Sunday, October 30, 2005

And last but not least. . .

Chloe and Trigger were just showing the effects of a long day.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks for sharing these photos! All the girls and their horses looked great yesterday. I just wish I could actually have seen them jumping. I heard that Diego was chased by a dog and Rebecca has a rug burn on her chin? Tiffanye had a spill and hurt her knee? And Diana was better in the costume contest than she was at the jumping? What's THAT about?

3:45 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

yea, that competition was VERY FUN but we (trigger and me) still had a little difficulty going throu the first course. he did go through it clean in the next two courses. (after the ten times deciding not too) but i am VERY proud of him in that show, he also ended up winning two ribbons!

11:27 AM  

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