Thursday, March 31, 2005

Col. Russell show

Yes, finally a horse show coming up. Col. Russell's is doing a jumping show April 16. Look for entries coming up in the clubhouse.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yay! Diana really wants to go. Who do we need to talk with about catching a ride to Russell's?

8:35 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey its Diana! Can we take some jumping lessons some time soon? I know that I'm always busy...but I just need to set a day just so Polo and I could have a nice ride...right? Well I think that Saturday evenings are good for me...along with Friday evenings...lets hope that we can do that...If we could claim a spot in your trailer-we would love to! talk to me about what I should sign up for! thanx-good job blog woman

8:39 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I can't wait till Saturday. Col. Russel's will be my first show. I don't expect to get any ribbons, it IS my first! Sunset and I will have loads of fun.


10:52 AM  

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